5 Important ideas and tips for choosing kitchen faucet
By choosing a kitchen faucet should be approached very carefully: this device constantly involved in the work in the kitchen and often opens and closes about a hundred times per night. From this it follows that the quality and reliability of this device are the most important parameters.
Now the bulk of the faucet purchased in retail chains and stores, refers to a single lever type. They are convenient to use and relatively inexpensive. They have drawbacks: such mixers fail because it contains old water pipes of metal particles, rust, etc. Therefore, along with the installation of single lever mixer suggested to install a filter to purify drinking water.
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Kitchen faucet idea |
Tips for kitchen faucet
You'd need to replace the faucet in the kitchen, but you do not know which one to choose? Range of kitchen faucets just throws you in choosing? Here are 5 tips that will help you decide to choose the kitchen faucet.
1- Kitchen faucets : single-lever faucet
Decide on the type faucet - it will single-lever faucet or it will have two head parts.
To do this you need to know that faucets with head parts allow more precisely set the temperature of water, such valves are more durable, and delivers less repair problems than single-lever faucet repair. In turn, single-lever faucets are more comfortable - they are easier to open, even when hands are busy (which is often the case, while preparing a meal), but at the same time they are demanding on the quality of water.
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New idea for single-lever faucet |
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Other idea for single-lever faucet |
2- Kitchen faucets with shower head
Decide whether you need a faucet with shower head, or you cope without it. Shower head facilitates washing large utensils - pots, bowls, and most sinks. But the price of this mixer will be higher.
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Three ideas for faucets with shower head |
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Kitchen faucet with shower head |
3- Kitchen faucets suitable for your sink
Consider mounting method, which is suitable for your sink.
4-Kitchen faucets : models of faucet and brands
Ask your neighbors what models of faucet and what brands they use. This will help you determine the quality of the crane on the basis of hardness of your water.
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Three models of kitchen faucets |
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New model of kitchen faucet |
5- Quality kitchen faucets
Remember that a good quality kitchen faucet should, first of all, like you, and second, to serve without a break for about five years. Calculate how much you are willing to spend money to buy a faucet. While taking into account that it is very cheap, kitchen faucet will last you no more than six months. A crane with a futuristic design and popular brands increase the cost several times.No less important are the quality and comfort of such quality and ease of use, because the complexity of working with mixer lead to the fact that the cooking process will be longer and more unpleasant.
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Different types about quality of kitchen faucets |
New idea about kitchen faucet |